Office of Accessibility
Instructor Notification
Instructor notification is not automatic and must be initiated by the student. Following class registration, the student must request an accommodation notification form through disability services. The student will then deliver the Accommodation Notification to each course instructor. The student must obtain the instructor’s signature, provide a copy for the instructor, and return the completed form to the Office of Accessibility. Accommodation will not be in effect until the completed form is returned.
Classroom Notes
- Students with specific functional limitations may request assistance with classroom notes. A determination of the method for obtaining classroom notes is based on disability documentation, course format and the course instructor’s recommendation.
- Classroom notes will generally be obtained by the utilization of a tape recorder or a volunteer classmate. Carbonless duplication paper is available upon request through Disability Services as well as a photocopy machine. Students are generally responsible for providing and operating the digital recorder along with the batteries. The Office of Accessibility does have a limited number of tape recorders available in case of emergency.
- When presenting an Accommodation Notification form, the student informs the instructor that notes will be needed and asks for assistance to identify a volunteer. In the event that either the volunteer system or digital recorder is not successful, immediately contact the Office of Accessibility.
- A volunteer note-taker or digital recorder does not excuse poor class attendance. Students receiving class notes accommodation should not expect notes for days missed unless special arrangements are made in advance.
Alternative Testing
- Testing accommodations, based on disability documentation, may include extended time, reduced distraction environment, test scribe, test reader, computer use for written exams, enlarged print or use of a calculator.
- The student is expected to make arrangements, at least two class days in advance, through the course instructor and the Office of Accessibility. Actual test accommodations may be provided through the Office of Accessibility or the Testing Center based on the specific arrangements made by the student and course instructor. The instructor will be notified if the student is absent at the scheduled time.
Accessible Materials
- Students whose documentation supports an accommodation for printed materials in an alternate format should contact the Office of Accessibility as soon as possible following registration. Availability of alternate format material may be limited, so students are encouraged to make a request for textbooks or other class-related materials well in advance. In converting printed text into alternate form, the Office of Accessibility will try to honor the student’s preference. However, depending on the time of the request, the availability of materials, the volume of materials, and the expected time for return, adjustments may be necessary. Such adjustment may include the student using appropriate technology to assist him or her (CCTV or scan/reader computer software), and this technology is available on campus.
- Requests for accessible materials will be processed in the order in which they are received.
- Interpretation and transliteration services will be arranged for qualifying deaf and hard-of-hearing students for scheduled classes, labs, scheduled student activities, and appointments. Every attempt will be made to honor a student’s communication preference; however, other arrangements may be made depending on the time of advanced notice and availability of interpreters.
- Students must request services in advance to assure that services can be arranged. Students are asked to provide a three-week advance notice for scheduled classes and a one-week notice for scheduled activities or appointments.
- Students who request interpreter services and plan to be absent or find that services are not needed must cancel arrangements immediately through the Office of Accessibility.
- In the event of an unreported absence, the interpreter will wait 15 minutes following the scheduled class start time. The interpreter will not remain in the classroom when the student is absent. If the student fails to arrive by the second class, the interpreter will assume that the student will be absent for the remaining classes. The student will be expected to obtain materials in the same manner as other students.
- If a student has three unreported absences in a given class, interpreter services may be terminated until the student meets with the Counselor of the Office of Accessibility. The student will be notified in writing.
- Students should report any concern or problem involving an interpreter to the Counselor of the Office of Accessibility.
- To make your request for a sign language interpreter or transliterator, please complete our request form.
Adaptive Equipment
- Various adaptive equipment or software for on-campus use can be made available to qualified students as a part of a specific classroom accommodation plan. However, any prescriptive or personal devices, including those for home use, are the responsibility of the student.
- As a part of the accommodation plan, the qualified student will be able to sign out equipment from the Office of Accessibility on a daily basis. Other equipment, such as software or modified keyboards, will be available in the assigned classroom or LRC as requested by student.
- Every attempt will be made to provide appropriate training to enable the student to effectively utilize specific equipment or software. Such training will require active student participation, advance notice, and additional time on campus.
Personal Attendants
- Students are responsible for providing their own personal health and hygiene needs along with their mobility needs within the classroom and around campus.
- Due to regulations and space limitations, personal attendants generally may not attend class with the registered student unless the accommodation is supported by disability documentation as a health/safety issue and is included in the student accommodation plan.
- The Office of Accessibility does not have a role in determining course attendance policies. Students are expected to attend scheduled classes regardless of their disability. Students may request that instructors be informed as to the legitimacy of disability-related absences, but such notification will not excuse or alter the course attendance policy.
- Students anticipating absences should notify the course instructor in advance. Students are also responsible for all missed assignments and material.
Tutoring Services
- Tutorial services are scheduled in specific content areas campus-wide through academic programs as appropriate. Qualified students are encouraged to request accommodations in order to utilize those services.
- Students are responsible for individual tutoring or individual instruction outside of the scheduled activities offered through academic programs.
- Accessible parking is available in accordance with the state and federal regulations. Students are required to follow all appropriate regulations and to have North Carolina-issued permit visible when parked in an accessible or handicapped space.
- Accessible parking is accessed on a first come, first served basis. Any student wishing to address accessible parking issues should contact the Office of Accessibility.