Department of Arts & Sciences

Events & Contests
Mathematics MyLabsPlus Learning System

ACA (Study Skills), Curriculum English (ENG-102+), & Developmental English (ENG-002/011)

Purpose and Mission

The overall mission of the ACA and English (ENG) division of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is to promote literacy, by developing students’ ability to read, write, and think critically. This mission includes the fostering of technological literacy through information retrieval, research, and communication. We believe that literate individuals can gather, analyze, and communicate information effectively as well as think creatively while drawing independent conclusions. We believe that our students need to be equipped with these skills because they are the cornerstone of a healthy future and economy.

The department fosters these goals through instruction, experience, and service in all areas including academic, professional, and creative writing. These goals thread through the division’s wide range of programs and interests: from our academically related “study skills” and “college transfer success” courses, to our contributions to general education, where students are introduced to the skills of critical thinking, reading, and writing while delving into the realms of rich literature and even students’ future careers.

We promote and support literacy, in its widest sense, throughout the College, the community, and into the professional world.