Corporate Education
Operator & Mechanic Skills Training
Looking for a class not listed here?
Please use the Class Offering Interest form to suggest a class you would like to take or call 704-216-3668.
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Class Information
Basic Forklift Operator
12 hours
Powered industrial trucks, or forklifts, are an essential piece of equipment in many workplaces, but they account for more industrial accidents than any other type of equipment. This course provides an overview of basic forklift usage and strict safety guidelines, using both classroom instruction and hands-on sessions.
Topics include how to:
- Basic safety operations, maintenance and OSHA compliance issues
- Compliance with OSHA’s Powered Industrial Truck standard
- Stacking strategies with consideration of trailers, ramps and elevators
Upon successful completion of the course, students will know how to safely operate a sit-down forklift and will receive a National Safety Council Certificate of Completion.*
*Site-specific and equipment-specific training must still be provided by employers to meet OSHA certification.
Contact Chris Hartley (, 704-216-3511).
Forklift Train the Trainer
7 hours
This course prepares the experienced forklift operator to develop and teach a complete in-house training program. Powered industrial trucks, or forklifts, are an essential piece of equipment in many workplaces, but they account for more industrial accidents than any other type of equipment. This course provides an overview of basic forklift usage and strict safety guidelines, using both classroom instruction and a hands-on session during which students will operate a forklift in an industrial setting. Topics include: pre-start inspection, load principles, setting the load, OSHA standards and requirements, design considerations, picking up and moving the load, pedestrian safety, accident files and record keeping.
Who should attend? – Employees who will be required to operate powered industrial trucks in the workplace. Participants will receive certificate for completing required basic training and demonstration of operating skills *Site-specific and equipment-specific training must still be provided by employers to meet OSHA certification.
Scheduled based on demand.
Contact: Megan Smit (, 704-216-3514).
580 hours
We have an excellent training opportunity coming up for anyone (over 18) who thinks they may want to explore a career in welding. There are an amazing variety of welding jobs available. Earn a welding certification in less than eight months in this high-paying, fast-growth career field!
- An interview by the welding instructor is required prior to registration.
- Please call Mechanical Trades Carolina at 704-721-0517 for an appointment.
- Classes typically start twice a year in January and July.
Contact Donna Ludwig (, 704-216-3668).