Corporate Education & Professional Development Training

Leadership Academy Certificate Program

Employees in training meeting

Overview:  The Leadership Development Certificate Program is a three-level certificate program designed for organizations and corporations who wish to invest in the development of leadership consistency to ensure their intended corporate culture manifests itself properly and perpetuates. This leadership program is designed utilizing a cohort model. Each cohort is comprised of multiple company sponsored individuals who start the program together and work alongside each other for the entire process. Every month, a new subject matter is presented in the form of four two-hour long classes utilizing a Zoom platform. During that month, the students are given a small research project applying the current month’s subject matter to their respective organization. Each student will attend an individual, one-hour coaching session per level during the final course in the series, to discuss the application of the materials to his/her sponsoring organization.

*Each module is 4 hours, delivered virtual-live via Zoom or Teams. In-person classes offered by request for groups of 8 or more.

*Attendance in all modules in each level is required for certificate.  Cameras must be on and attendees present and engaged for the full 4 hour class (instructor provides breaks) for a grade of S.


Leadership Classes are listed below:

Select + at the end of each row to reveal dropdown menu of classes.

                                       To request a class for your group, email

Leadership - Process Improvement
    • Mistake ProofingBuilding quality into processes and difficult to create defects.
    • Standard Work Standardizing training so everyone executes best practices.
    • Lean & 5S Overview- Exploring Lean & Getting Workspaces Setup for Success. Great for departments or processes about to implement 5S in the near future.
    • Fundamentals of Problem Solving-Root Cause Analysis & PDCA Learn how to quit dealing with the same symptoms and “firefighting” day in and day out.
    • Setup Time Reduction– Reduce the time between Value Adding cycles.
    • Value Stream Mapping- Visualize the Flow of Value & Sources of Waste
    • Certified Lean Six Sigma YELLOW BELT– Team Leads, Supervisors, Managers & Top Leadership, plus others who will go on to Green Belt level. Understand why improvement project teams do what they do & info presented by teams.  Helps with the improvement project selection & prioritization process.  Can execute improvements in their span of control daily. Attendees learn to make data-driven decisions, solve problems, & identify and remove waste.
    • Certified Lean Six Sigma GREEN BELT– (pre-requisite LSS Yellow Belt) Core Tools, Methods to Lead Improvement Projects & Teams, Drive Results.  Managers, Analysts, Engineers, Techs and Quality & Continuous Improvement staff.  Learn to lead improvement project teams to get results.  They drive improvements in their areas of the organization & work on improvements~20-25% of their time and deliver 1 or 2 small improvement projects per year.
Dates & Registration:
  • Yellow Belt begins March 7, 2023 – $800.00
  • Green Belt begins May 4, 2023 – $1,950.00 (Yellow Belt is a pre-requisite)

To register or for information about other dates, email

This course is offered by RCCC’s partner, Elevate Coaching and Consulting, it will not be through RCCC.


Core Supervision & Coaching Skills
  • This 4-day course focuses on learning and practicing the core skills of results-oriented supervisory practices.  The workplace is demanding and anyone responsible for the productivity of others must have the skills, knowledge and abilities to manage and lead in a proactive and engaging manner.
  • Supervisors are required to be strategic and proactive thinkers capable of uniting a wide variety of people around a common vision and mission. At the same time, be sensitive yet fast-paced, innovative risk takers who are practical in developing solutions that turn obstacles into opportunities.
  • The course content and skill practices build upon each other throughout the course, beginning with identifying performance expectations and moving to coaching and feedback up to the use of a discipline process that includes how to legally terminate an employee.
  • Target Audience:  Managers, supervisors, and team leaders.  The course is flexible to meet the needs of leaders newly promoted, new to an organization, and as a refresher for the more experienced.  Each course is adapted to the needs of the participants.Participants are encouraged to bring their team’s job descriptions on the first day of class and laptops may be brought to use in some exercises. Both are optional.

Cost: $4,500 plus $65 per person for materials cost
Class Size: Minimum 6 people, Maximum 15 people

This course is only scheduled by request for a group of 6 or more. To schedule a class for your company, please contact


For More Information