College Construction Safety Guidelines

Division of College Environment

College Construction Safety Guidelines

These guidelines are intended to establish the minimum Job Site Safety Rules and standards for contractors and their subcontractors of every tier, with the goal of eliminating accidents. These guidelines are supplementary to all government rules, codes and regulations.

  1. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain total control of safety to ensure that its employees, all contractors, and the general public will be provided an environment free of recognized hazards during construction activities.
  2. The Contractor shall conform to the requirements addressed in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (“OSHA”) and all additions and revisions thereto, any state specific OSHA requirements, and this Guideline.
  3. Prior to start of work, the Contractor shall provide a written and Owner approved Site-Specific Safety Plan. Contractor shall also receive the same from each of its subcontractors, regardless of tier. As a minimum, this Site Specific Safety plan will include:
    • Company Safety Policy Statement
    • Contractor Management and Supervisory Assignments
    • Contractor Safety Responsibility Assignment and communication tree
    • Jobsite Safety Rules
    • Emergency Action Plans
      • Catastrophe
      • Weather Emergency
      • Jobsite Evacuation
    • Local Emergency Phone Numbers
    • Pertinent College Phone Numbers
    • A Jobsite Sketch which will include:
      • Gate locations
      • Safety and regulatory signage locations
      • Jobsite office location
      • Fire extinguisher and first aid kit locations
      • Closed pathways and detour sign locations
      • Evacuation Rally Point
  4. Code of Conduct: The Code of Conduct for the College will apply to the Contractor, all subcontractors, and vendors. In particular the following are highlighted:
    • NO tobacco (of any form) use is permitted on College Campus.
    • NO illegal drugs are permitted on College Campus.
    • NO firearms are allowed on College Campus.
    • NO alcohol is permitted on College Campus.
  5. Contractor shall have supervisory staff onsite whenever work is being performed onsite. Contractor must provide a Competent Person as defined by OSHA 1926.32(f).
  6. Whenever a contractor has knowledge of, or is notified of, an unsafe act or unsafe condition, it shall immediately take steps to correct the unsafe act or condition and instruct offending parties on appropriate safety precautions.
  7. Assigned Job-Site Supervisor shall carry a current (within two years) OSHA 10-hour Certificate. It is also desired to have at least one person onsite at any given time with a current First Aid/CPR/AED Certification.
  8. Safety Inspections:
    • Contractors on-site Supervisor shall, as a minimum, conduct and document daily job site safety inspections to locate and abate unsafe conditions and/or practices.
    • Contractors Safety Officer shall conduct and document periodic site safety inspections to locate and abate unsafe conditions and/or practices.
  9. Protect the public, and property adjacent to the project site, as well as the environment.
  10. A means of public address (megaphone) shall be maintained onsite at all times.
  11. Contractors shall wear some form of Identification on them 100% of the time on campus. ID maybe in form of T-shirt with company name, Hard Hat with company name, etc. Badging may be required pending area of work.
  12. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): As a minimum, the Contractor shall require the following PPE be worn by all persons within while on the lines of demarcation of the Job Site (until Certificate of Occupancy/Certificate of Completion is obtained):
    • Hardhat
    • Safety glasses
    • Reflective/high-visibility vest (or shirts)
    • Appropriate work clothing:
      • Shirts with sleeves, at least (4) inches in length.
      • Long Pants.
      • Well-constructed, hard soled boots/shoes. NO sneakers or open-toed shoes are permitted.
  13. Appropriate job site signage shall be posted onsite at all times.
    • Project Sign with:
      • Project Name
      • College Information
      • Contractor’s Information
      • Architect’s Information
    • OSHA/DOL/DENR Regulatory Sign
    • Job Rules will be posted at the entrance to the Job Site.
    • Contractor Job Site Supervisor After Hours Emergency Phone Number (Posted at Jobsite Entrance)
  14. A first-aid kit shall be maintained onsite at all times.
    • No tank tops, shorts, cut-offs, or ripped or torn clothing is allowed on a project site.
  15. It is suggested that Contractors use Job Safety Analysis for each task performed daily.
  16. Any Utility Disruption on Campus will require at least 72 hours advance written notice to Chief Officer, Planning, Capital Projects & Environmental Operations.
  17. The Job Site will be fenced on all sides adjacent to any public access (roadways, trails, sidewalks, etc.). Lockable gates will be provided at the major and minor entrances from public right of way.
  18. Secure any public area during loading/unloading activities (cones, safety tape, etc.)
  19. No blocking of public roadways.

College Construction Safety Guidelines