Financial Aid Warnings and Probation

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Warnings & Probation


A student is placed on warning when SAP is not met: A student on probation may receive Financial Aid for their next enrollment term. The student must re-establish satisfactory academic progress during the warning term.


A student who has previously been on warning status and has failed to maintain satisfactory academic progress will no longer be eligible for financial aid. A student may have their financial aid eligibility reinstated after termination only if they have completed the appeal process and the Financial Aid office approves their appeal.


If a student has completed the appeal process and designated financial aid staff approves their appeal, they are placed on SAP probation for the next term. Probation standards are specified in the approval.  If a student disputes the appeal decision, the student may request to be re-evaluated by the Director of Financial Aid.

Continued Probation

If a student has previously been on probation and completed the term with a GPA of 2.0 or higher and successfully completed all classes, but has not yet re-established satisfactory academic progress, they will remain eligible for financial aid in a continued probation status.  The probation status will remain until the student has re-established satisfactory academic progress.

Appeal Denied

If a student has completed the appeal process and designated financial aid staff denies their appeal, they will not receive further financial aid assistance and will have to pay out-of-pocket for the following term.

Terminated After Appeal

A student who has previously had an appeal approved by the financial aid office and does not meet the requirements of the appeal will be terminated. They will no longer receive financial aid assistance and may not have the option of subsequent appeals.