Frequently Asked Questions

North Carolina Global Distinction Initiative

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Do I have to be in a certain major or program to do this?

No, as long as you are a current Rowan-Cabarrus Community College curriculum student, you are eligible for this program. Students from a variety of disciplines are encouraged to apply.

How long will it take to earn this distinction?

Graduating as a N.C. Scholar of Global Distinction will depend on the rate at which you complete the requirements. Students could complete all requirements within 2-4 semesters.

Will I have a special cord at graduation?

Yes. You have the option to order a graduation cord for as a N.C. Scholar of Global Distinction. “Graduated with Global Distinction” will also be noted on students’ official transcript, and students will also receive a certificate from the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Global Distinction program committee.

Global Course Questions

I’ve completed (one or more) courses listed on the Global Courses list. Will I earn credit for these?

Yes! You are that much closer to completing the Global Distinction program!

What if I don’t see five courses on the Course list that fit within my plan to complete my degree?

Currently, Rowan-Cabarrus offers 40+ “Inherently Global” courses that apply to a broad range of degree completion plans across academic programs. Please contact the Global Scholars Coordinator if you are finding limited Global Course options toward your degree program. The Coordinator will work with you and the instructors and Program Chair within your degree/discipline area to develop projects and coursework that will add globally enhanced content to courses. Approximately one module of a course, or 20% of the graded work in a course should be focused on a global/international/worldview topic(s) in order for the course to be designated a Global Course.

Passport Event Questions

I’ve already attended (one or more) Passport Events in Fall 2015 and/or Spring 2016 semester on campus. Will I earn credit for these?

Yes! When you attended those events, if you signed in on a sign up sheet, your participation has been noted and you will receive “credit” for attending those passport events.

Can I get Passport Event credit for attending international events off campus?

A student who wishes to attend an off-campus international event for program credit must get prior approval from the Global Scholars Coordinator.

When and where are Passport Events offered?

There are several Passport Events offered every semester on a variety of campuses, and other locations. It is up to each student to choose the events they wish to participate in to receive credit for participation.

How do I receive credit or track the Passport events I attend?

Once accepted to the program, students are provided with materials and instructions for tracking the international events they attend in order to receive credit toward the program.

Travel/Study Abroad Questions
Currently, Rowan-Cabarrus offers domestic intercultural experiences. Travel abroad may be considered at a future date, when the following questions will be considered:

How much will Study Abroad cost?

Costs depend on many variables, including; where the trip is going, how long the trip is, and the number of travelers. All costs will be disclosed once trip itinerary are made public. There will be payment plan options, and possibly scholarship opportunities to offset costs. More details will be shared with students participating in the Global Distinction Program.

What countries are available to me as a study abroad student?

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College will begin to offer short-term (4-7 day) study abroad options. Considered upcoming faculty lead study abroad possibilities include: Italy, Costa Rica, and Peru. If travel abroad is an option, more details will be shared with students participating in the Global Distinction Program.

Who can join the study abroad trips at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College?

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College students and employees participating in the Global Distinction Program are able to join study abroad trips.

What if I am not interested or able to participate in the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College study abroad option(s)?

No problem! You may meet the Global Experience requirement by completing a Domestic Global Project. There are many options, and these projects can be customized for each student so the project connects to your academic and career interests. More details will be shared with students participating in the Global Distinction Program.