
Re-Entry Policy

All students wishing to return to the RCCC Radiography Program must be eligible to do so based on policies and procedures governing enrollment, academics, and readmission established by the college. These policies and procedures can be reviewed in the RCCC Student Handbook/College Catalog, and at

Students unable to progress in the radiography program course sequence can re-apply to the radiography program one time. The student desiring to reapply to the program must do so within one year and is re-evaluated for program placement based on individual circumstances and program requirements.

Acceptance is contingent upon:

  1. Meeting the current admission and graduation requirements in effect at the time of re-application. Radiography Admission Test scores that are within two years of re-entry and are at or above the currently established normal passing standard will satisfy the RAD admission criteria. Students with scores that are not at above the currently established normal passing standard is required to test and meet current program score requirement.
  2. Availability of space.

Final approval for re-entry must be granted by the Radiography Program Chair following a thorough review of the student’s record by the radiography faculty.

In addition to RCCC Readmission policies and procedures, the following have been adopted as part of Re-Entry Policy for Radiography Program.

  • If a student has been dismissed due to unacceptable behavior, approval for readmission will be contingent upon satisfactory evidence that the unacceptable behavior which caused dismissal has been corrected and is not likely to occur again. Evidence of remediation may be required.
  • If a student has withdrawn or has been dismissed due to health concerns, approval for readmission is contingent upon conclusive evidence that the health concern has been corrected. This applies to physical, mental, and/or emotional health issues. Evidence of restored health from a medical physician is required.
  • If a student has been dismissed due to a confirmed violation of the college’s academic integrity policy, re-entry into the program is not allowed.

A student must be eligible for readmission according to college standards. Students who have been withdrawn from the Radiography Program due to progression standards, or students who voluntarily withdraw from the RAD course sequence, and request to be considered for the subsequent Radiography Program must meet the current admissions criteria/requirements stated at the time application for re-entry is placed and is contingent upon space availability.

Candidates for re-entry must retake the Radiography Admissions Exam and fulfill the competitive admissions criteria as specified in the college catalog. Re-entry consideration is given on a first-come, first-served basis. Application for re-entry must be placed within six month from date of withdrawal.

If a student is readmitted into the Radiography program, the program requires the student to return the semester before the loss of contact to audit all RAD courses offered. Once the audit is complete, the student is allowed to rejoin the program in the semester where contact was lost. *Exception to the audit: Students losing contact in the fall semester of the first year must reapply and rejoin, if eligible, without audit of the previous semester. A student wishing to re-enter the program must meet with the Radiography Program Chair to develop an individualized plan of action for re-entry. If the applicant is unsuccessful during his/her second attempt in the program, the applicant must wait a period of three (3) years before re-applying to the program. In most instances, students are limited to one re-entry opportunity. Final approval for re-entry is granted by the Radiography Program Chair following a thorough review of the student’s record by the radiography faculty.