
Quick Facts
  • The United States loses $100 billion annually as a result of cybercrime, which targets over 556 million victims per year.
  • Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC average salary is $96,660 – May 2015
  • The FBI’s Most Wanted List for cyber criminals currently contains just five individuals, but each is responsible for consumer losses ranging from $350,000 to $100 million.
  • About 10% of all social media users have received a cyber-threat. More than 600,000 accounts are compromised every day on Facebook alone.

National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance & Cyber Defense for Two-Year Education

On May 31, 2015 Rowan-Cabarrus Community College became officially designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Two-Year Education. Here is what the National CAE2Y Program Manager of the NSA said about our designation and the importance of cybersecurity:

“Your ability to meet the increasing demands of the program criteria will serve the nation well in contributing to the protection of the National Information Infrastructure. The Presidents’ National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, February 2003, and the International Strategy for Cyberspace, May 2011, addresses the critical shortage of professionals with these skills and highlights the importance of higher education as a solution to defending America’s cyberspace. Like all nations, the United States has a compelling interest in defending its vital national assets, as well as our core principles and values, and we are committed to defending against those who would attempt to impede our ability to do so. Education is the key to promoting these ideals.”

Jointly Sponsored by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)


The goal of the Center of Academic Excellence Information Assurance (IA)/Cyber Defense (CD) for Two-year Education program is to proactively increase our understanding of robust IA/CD technology, policy and practices that will enable our Nation to effectively prevent and respond to a catastrophic cyber event. This program will contribute significantly to the advancement of state-of-the-art IA/CD knowledge and practice.


The vision for this program is to:

  1. Provide programs that commit to excellence in the field of Information Assurance and Cyber Defense education at community and technical college and government training institutions.
  2. Provide innovative, comprehensive and multidisciplinary education and training in the IA/CD field.
  3. Strengthen the cybersecurity workforce by providing IA/CD education and training through degree and certification programs at community and technical colleges and government training centers.
  4. Build an effective education pipeline model with K-12 schools to encourage students at an early age to enter IA/CD fields of study.
  5. Provide the Nation with a pipeline of qualified students poised to become the future skilled technical workforce.
  6. Continuously improve the quality of IA/CD programs, curriculum faculty, students and other institutions.

Contact Information

For more information or questions, please contact:

Zackary Hubbard – Program Chair in Information Technology