About In-Service Law Enforcement Training

Law Enforcement Programs

About In-Service Law Enforcement Training

The In-Service Law Enforcement Training program at Rowan-Cabarrus provides numerous courses for the continuing education of law enforcement officers. Courses have been designed for upgrading both experienced and recently employed policemen and law enforcement officials.

Training is offered at no cost to law enforcement officers.

The development of these courses is based upon the needs and interests of the criminal justice and law enforcement community. Training is offered at no cost to law enforcement officers in areas to include, but are not limited to: detention officer certification, telecommunication certification, radar operator certification, firearms training, driver training, investigations, community oriented policing, and police law institute.

The majority of courses are offered during daytime hours, however, a number of classes are offered during evening hours to accommodate smaller law enforcement agencies that cannot spare their officers during the day.

In-Service Training Courses are offered in the traditional classroom delivery method as well as online for our Mandated In-Service Training.