Law Enforcement Training & Criminal Justice Programs
Basic Law Enforcement Training
Certificate Programs
Criminal Justice Technology
Detention Officer Certification Course
General Instructor Certification
In-Service Law Enforcement Training
Radar Operator Certification
Telecommunicator Certification
Steps to Enroll
Step One
Students must complete an online Application for Admission and schedule the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE) test. To register for the test, either email Darrell Graham ( or call 704-216-3785. You cannot schedule this test online.
Note: The TABE test can be taken at either North (Salisbury) or South (Concord) Campus. Upon arrival for the test, students should identify themselves as prospective Basic Law Enforcement Training Students.
Step Two
Deliver the TABE test results and a copy of the enrollment application to the School Director in the Law Enforcement Training Office.
Note: Students must score a minimum of 597 or higher on the TABE test in order to enroll in the Basic Law Enforcement Training Course. As established by the N.C. Administrative Code 12 NCAC 9B.0203,The school shall not admit an individual, including partial or limited enrollees, as a trainee in a presentation of the Basic Law Enforcement Training Course unless the individual, within one year prior to admission to Basic law Enforcement Training, scores 75 or above at a North Carolina Community College as a result of taking the Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence Tier 1 test as approved by the State Board of Community Colleges or has taken the reading component of a nationally standardized test within one year prior to admission to Basic Law Enforcement Training and has scored at or above the tenth grade level or the equivalent. There is no initial charge for prospective Basic Law Enforcement Training students. However, there is a five dollar ($5.00) charge for re-test.
Step Three
Each candidate must obtain the BLET student information packet from the Law Enforcement Training Office on North Campus, Room # 4206 or online. The candidate may pick up the packet in person or call and leave his/her name, address, phone number, and email address to receive a packet. A packet can be emailed to you or you can access it through the homepage by searching for ‘BLET packet’.
Step Four
Each candidate must obtain a certified Criminal Records Check from the “Clerk of Courts Office” in each County/State of residence since the candidate became sixteen (16) years old. This also applies to times during which the candidate was a member of the US Military. (Military Records). Note: If you have previously been a member of the U.S. Military, you are required to provide a copy of your form DD214 and obtain a copy of your Criminal Record from the Clerk of Courts Office in each State/County in which you were stationed along with a copy of your Military Criminal Record Check. Addresses for obtaining Military (UCMJ) Criminal Records are included in the application packet.
Step Five
Each candidate must take the certified Criminal Records Check along with the verification of sponsorship form to the sponsoring Law Enforcement Agency and request Sponsorship for Basic Law Enforcement Training.
Step Six
Each candidate must pre-register by bringing the signed Verification of Sponsorship/Employment Form along with a copy of the candidate’s original certified Criminal Records Check, High School Diploma/GED or College or University Diploma, North Carolina Drivers License, Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, a completed BLET Course Application, and a signed Information Release to the School Director. Note: The only person authorized to sign the Verification of Sponsorship form is the Agency head or his/her designee.
Step Seven
Upon pre-registration, each candidate must obtain from the School Director the necessary forms to be completed and returned to the School Director’s office two weeks prior to the first day of class. These forms include:
- Medical Screening Guidelines F-1 & F-2
Note: Deliver the “Medical Screening Guidelines” to the examining physician. The Medical Screening Guidelines “Implementation Manual” is intended to provide the examining physician with information so that he/she may better determine the ability of an applicant, either for employment or training status as an entry level officer. The F1 & F2 is to be completed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina. The candidate will need to sign and date the F-1. The physician signs the F1 & F2 form and must return them to Mr. Nesbitt, in the self-addressed stamped envelope provided in the front of the packet. - Medical Questionnaire (Purple)
- BLET Candidate Data File Card (Blue for day course/Beige for night course)
Step Eight
Each candidate must attend “Orientation” on the first Day/Night of the course and must bring the following:
- Textbooks (student manuals to be assembled in class)
- Be in uniform (Blue RCCC BLET shirt, tan khaki pants, black leather belt, black leather shoes, and blue or black socks).
- Be prepared to pay the $34.00 student activity fee, $36.00 technology fee, $20.00 campus access fee (which includes student accident insurance), and $7.00 Graduation Fee on the first day of class. This totals $97.00. Please have the correct cash or check to be written to Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. A billing letter from the employing agency may also be used.