Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Policy

Learning Resource Center

Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Policy

The Interlibrary Loan borrowing policy applies to all materials borrowed through the CCLINC or OCLC consortia programs.


Who is eligible to borrow?

  • Interlibrary Loan services are available for current faculty, staff, and students of Rowan-Cabarrus.
  • Community borrowers are not eligible for the InterLibrary Loan program.

What types of material may you borrow?

  • Books and articles not owned by the Rowan-Cabarrus Library.
  • Dissertations, proceedings, patents, reports, and some non-print items. These materials may be challenging to obtain through an InterLibrary Loan.
  • Items listed as “Missing” or “Lost” in the Rowan-Cabarrus online public catalog.
  • Items “Recalled” and not returned within two weeks.
  • Items long overdue and billed for replacement.

What types of material may you not borrow?

  • Course-related textbooks
  • Multiple copies of a single title
  • Materials for placement on reserve
  • Reference materials
  • Archives and special collections

Is there a cost for this service?

Interlibrary loan is a free service. We only request items from other libraries that do not charge. However, late materials are assessed a fine of $1.00 per day up to $10.00. This late fee binds all patrons. Items not returned within 45 days are billed to the borrower. The lending Library sets replacement costs.

How long can I keep the material?

Loan periods for most borrowed items are 2-4 weeks. Transit periods are not included in the loan period. However, the actual due dates vary depending on the lending Library’s policies and may also contain special conditions (e.g., on-site use only).

Can I renew the material?

Renewal requests may be made by emailing the Circulation Manager at North Campus, calling the campus where you picked up your materials, or visiting the Circulation Desk. The Interlibrary Loan staff will notify you by email if the renewal request is granted or denied. Materials designated “No Renewal” or recalled by the lending institution cannot be renewed.

Borrowed materials are subject to recall by the lending library. Interlibrary Loan staff will contact the borrower directly to request the return of a recalled item. Recall fines apply for Interlibrary Loan materials.

How many requests are allowed?

Books are limited to 9 requests at a time, while requests for articles are unlimited.

What is the turnaround time for a request?

A CCLINC request may take 3-7 days, while an OCLC request may take 7-10 days. These are estimations, and our service strives to fill requests as quickly as possible.

How do I request an item?

The borrower may request an item from Interlibrary Loan by completing the “Book Request” form on the Library’s website.

How are Borrowers notified concerning their material?

When an Interlibrary Loan request has arrived and is ready for pickup, an email notification will be sent to their Rowan-Cabarrus email account.

Where can you pick up your interlibrary loan request?

Books and other materials borrowed through Interlibrary Loan may be picked up at the Circulation Desk at the campus indicated during the ordering process. Books ordered for ILL are held for seven days before returning to the Lending Library.

What happens if I lose or damage the material?

The borrower is responsible for all costs associated with lost or damaged Interlibrary Loan materials. The lending Library assesses the charges for lost or damaged items, which vary from Library to Library. The College reserves the right to hold transcripts and diplomas if you do not pay your Interlibrary loan obligations.