Archives Access

Learning Resource Center

Accessing the Collection

Library, Spring 1966

Using the Archive

The Archives serve as a historical record of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College and are open to any student, faculty, staff, or community member for research purposes.

Archive Services is located in the North Campus (Salisbury) Library. These items are organized into collections. When requesting materials, please provide the collection number found in the collection finding aid. If nothing can be found using the finding aid, please let us know and we will assist you.


  Schedule A Visit

Access Guidelines

  • All archive materials are library use only. They may not be checked out or sent through interlibrary loan. Archives staff may be able to provide copies or reproductions on a case-by-case basis.
  • Researchers are not permitted to browse the archives. All materials will be retrieved by archives staff. Patrons should not enter the archives unless accompanied by archives or other library staff, and must be supervised while using archival material.
  • The Archive is open by appointment during the library’s regular hours. Please request items 48 hours in advance whenever possible by submitting this form.
  • No food or drink is allowed in the Archive. Patrons will be asked to put sealed items in their bags or leave them in a designated area.
  • Only pencils may be used in the Archive. Take care not to write on top of archival materials.
  • Researchers are responsible for the safeguarding of materials while in use. Absolutely no augmentation to materials is allowed, including writing on, taping, folding, defacing, cutting, and any other action that changes the condition of the material.
  • Researchers must leave all coats and bags in a designated space.
  • Researchers may take photos with their phones; photocopying is permitted with the help of archives staff.
  • While the Archive is the legal custodian of these materials, we may not hold the copyright. Researchers are responsible for copyright compliance when citing or reproducing archival material.
  • First-time researchers must register and sign that they have read and understood these guidelines. Returning visitors will sign in and out and note which material they used.
  • Users may be required to wear gloves to protect delicate materials
  • Some material including VHS tapes, cassettes, and other formats are not accessible at this time.