
Learning Resource Center


Rowan-Cabarrus Libraries are open to all faculty, staff, students, and county residents (Rowan and Cabarrus).

Library Borrower records, including circulation, interlibrary loan, and database search records, are strictly confidential. The Rowan-Cabarrus Library adheres to N.C. General Statute 125-19 (2004).


Proof of eligibility is required and is based on the following:

  • Presentation of a valid Rowan-Cabarrus identification card.
  • Currently enrolled for classes at Rowan-Cabarrus.
ESL / GED / Pre-College Students
  • The program issued official Rowan-Cabarrus identification cards.
  • Completion of the “Student Library Registration Form.”
Faculty & Staff
  • Presentation of a valid Rowan-Cabarrus identification card.
  • Completion of the “Faculty/Staff Library Registration Form.”
Community Borrowers
  • Presentation of a valid North Carolina driver’s license (or a valid North Carolina state-issued picture ID). We do not accept out-of-state licenses, work IDs, rent/utility bills, etc.
  • Completion of the “Public Patron Registration Form.”
  • Rowan or Cabarrus County residence.
  • 18 years or older

.A one-time $5.00 charge. Lost IDs will be replaced for an additional $5.00 fee.

Special Permission

Privileges may be extended to special groups at the Director of Library Services’ discretion on special occasions. Eligibility is granted at the Director’s discretion and will be agreed to in a written contract of services.

Responsibility of Borrowers

Borrowers are responsible for library materials charged to them until the Library receives them back. Borrowers must present a valid Rowan-Cabarrus identification card or Community Borrower card to borrow library material.

  • Borrowers are prohibited by Library policy from lending their Library cards to others
  • Borrowers are prohibited by Library policy from borrowing Library materials for another person.
  • Borrowers are responsible for maintaining current contact information with Rowan-Cabarrus and the Library.
  • Borrowers are responsible for maintaining a current email address with Rowan-Cabarrus and the Library.
  • Borrowers are responsible for notifying the Library of a lost or misplaced card as soon as possible. The person to whom the card is issued is responsible for its use, including any misuse.

Borrowers who abuse Library borrowing privileges may have their privileges suspended. Examples of Library borrowing privileges abuse include, but are not limited to:

  • Materials delinquency.
  • Non-payment of fines and replacement costs.
  • Not responding to notices.
  • Mutilation or damage of Library materials.

The person to whom the library card is issued is responsible for its use, including any misuse. Borrowers who abuse Library borrowing privileges may have their privileges suspended.