
Learning Resource Center

Collection Services

The primary goal of the Collections Services Department is to ensure that information resources needed to support the college’s instructional, research and service mission are available to the faculty, students, and staff at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.  Our Collection Development Policy and Guidelines provide consistency among those responsible for collection development and communicate Library policy to faculty, staff, students, and the community.


The Library strives to build collections that provide multiple and diverse viewpoints on subjects related to Rowan-Cabarrus Community College’s teaching interests, current events, and critical intellectual issues of the day. The viewpoints presented include current, prevailing perspectives and those that may be unpopular, out-of-favor, or at variance with local community standards.

The Library supports the principles of academic freedom that are espoused in:

Those with concerns regarding materials in the library collection can request that the Library reconsider the inclusion of material by completing and submitting a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Material” form, which must be requested from the Director of Library Services.  We also are always looking for recommendations on materials that you would like to see added to the collection.

If you have any questions about Collection Services, please contact Lisa Shores, Library Coordinator, and Collection Development Librarian.