Interlibrary Loan Lending Policy

Learning Resource Center

ILL Lending Policy

The Interlibrary Loan lending policy applies to all materials loaned to other institutions through the CCLINC or OCLC consortia programs. 

Types of Requests Accepted

Rowan-Cabarrus accepts electronic OCLC Interlibrary Loan requests. CCLINC requests are accepted via hold requests placed in the consortia catalog. CCLINC members may also request copies of material from non-circulating materials via email. We do not accept email or phone requests.

Loan Period

Rowan-Cabarrus will lend books to other libraries for four weeks. 


There is no charge for lending. 


The borrowing Library may request a renewal by contacting our Interlibrary Loan Department. Renewals are granted on a case-by-case basis. 

Materials Available for Loan

  • Rowan-Cabarrus will lend books and audio-visual material from the general collection and photocopies of articles from a periodical’s current issue. 
  • Rowan-Cabarrus will provide photocopies from material in our collection for borrowing libraries, provided it does not violate any copyright restrictions. 
  • Rowan-Cabarrus does not lend reference material and other non-circulating items; material in poor condition; material that receives heavy in-house use; periodicals, course-related textbooks, lease books, and books published in the last year. 

International Requests

Rowan-Cabarrus does not accept requests outside the United States.

Delivery Methods

  • Loans: USPS or State Courier
  • Copies: Email, Fax, and USPS

Turnaround Time

Our average turnaround time is four working days. We make every possible effort to process all requests promptly. 

Borrower Responsibilities

Per CCLINC and OCLC guidelines, the borrowing library is responsible for the item from when it leaves our Library until it’s been returned and checked back in, including loss and damage. We make every effort to package our items securely and send them by a fast, reliable method. The borrowing library is also responsible for following any restrictions we may place on an item. 

Damaged, Overdue, and Lost items

We charge repair costs for items that cannot be repaired in-house. The amount is determined on a case-by-case basis. Items at “Returned” status in OCLC or “In-Transit” status in CCLINC will be given at least one month to appear before we issue an invoice for lost items. Our item replacement fee is a minimum of $75. We will contact the borrower to see if special circumstances exist before sending an invoice. We do not charge overdue fees to the borrowing Library.