Lost and Damaged Materials

Learning Resource Center

Lost & Damaged Materials

The Borrower is responsible for lost materials or equipment. The Library does not accept materials in place of lost or damaged materials.

Borrowers may pay for the material with cash at the Circulation Desk at any Rowan-Cabarrus Library. The Circulation Desk cannot accept checks, credit, or debit cards.

If charges have been sent to Student Accounts, the Business Office will accept cash, checks, credit, or debit.

Materials are considered lost and billed to the student’s account when they are over 45 days late. Borrowers returning lost and billed materials in good condition within one year of the bill date will receive a credit minus the processing fee. Materials returned over a year past the bill date will not be accepted in place of replacement costs.

Damage to materials is assessed by a Library staff member and billed to the Borrower’s account.

Grades, transcripts, and graduation for Rowan-Cabarrus students may be delayed until all Library materials are returned and all fines have been paid in full. Unpaid fines or fees will be sent to Student Accounts for collection.


Materials Replacement Cost Processing Fee after 45 days late
Books and Multimedia $75.00 $10.00 per item
ILL Books through CCLINC or OCLC Lending Library’s discretion $10.00 per item
Reserve Materials Library-owned – $50.00 /
Faculty-owned – Faculty’s discretion
$10.00 per item
Laptops $2,000.00 $100.00 per item
Hotspots $100.00 (Case $15.00, Cord $15.00, Charging Block $15.00, Battery $30.00).
No replacement parts are accepted in lieu of payment.
$25.00 per item
Calculators $100.00 $25.00 per item
Headphones $20.00 $10.00 per item
Headphones with Mic $40.00 $10.00 per item

Mutilation and Theft of Library Materials

Mutilation and theft of Library materials are serious matters. Sanctions and criminal liability are outlined in N.C. General Statute 14-398, The Library involves Campus Security for suspected violation of mutilation and theft of any library property. If a Community Borrower is suspected of mutilation or theft of library materials, the suspected offender will be banned from the Library.