Printing, Copying and Scanning

Learning Resource Center

Printing, Copying, and Scanning

The Libraries provide access to multifunction machines at all locations that are capable of printing, copying, and scanning.

Does it cost to print?

Registered students are provided credits each semester based on their enrollment status.

  • Full-time students are given $30.00 in print credits per semester.
  • Part-time students are given $15.00 in print credits per semester.

Unused print credits do not roll over to the next semester.  Printing is funded via the Student Technology fee charged to each registered student per semester.  At this time Rowan-Cabarrus does not charge students to add additional credits to their accounts.

Community Borrowers are charged to print.

  • Black & White copies are $.10 per page (two-sided printing counts as two pages)
  • Color copies are $.60 per page. (two-sided printing counts as two pages)

How do I add credit to my account?

Please visit or call the Circulation Services Desk in the Library at North, NCRC, or South Campus to add credits to your account.

Can I print from my personal computer?

Students’ personal computers connected to the Rowan-Cabarrus wireless network are able to print to the multifunction machines.  See the instructions below to install the network print drivers:

Does the Library have a Scanner?

Yes, there are multi-function machines in each library with scanning, copying, and printing capabilities. Anyone with Rowan-Cabarrus credentials can log in to these machines with their college-issued ID or manually log in with their active directory credentials (students=Blackboard credentials, faculty/staff=computer network login). Scans must be sent to an email address to retrieve them.