Renewals, Holds and Recalls

Learning Resource Center

Renewals, Holds, & Recalls


Materials may be renewed according to the borrower type, providing the items are not requested by other Library users. Renewals may be done in person, by telephone, or by accessing “My Account” through the Library’s online catalog. Please note that online renewals will not work if the item (s) is overdue. Items overdue more than five days are not eligible for online or telephone renewals.

To renew books online visit My Account. The credentials to sign in to “My Account” to renew Library items are your library account number and your four-digit pin. Your Library account number can be constructed in the following format: 23018- “Student ID number” (e.g. 23018-0985671). Your default pin is set as the two-digit month and two-digit day of your birth date (e.g. I was born on March 4th. My pin would be 0304). You do not put any information in the alternate ID box.


A user may be placed on a waiting list for a book currently on loan by placing a hold on that item. The hold will keep the current user from renewing the item. Once the material is returned, the holder is notified via email or telephone. Hold material will be held for seven days before it is returned to general circulation.

Users can place holds on materials by using the “Book Delivery Request” or by calling/visiting the Circulation Desk.

Available materials may be placed on a 24-hour hold at the Circulation Desk if the user cannot check the items out for various reasons (e.g., No Library card, etc.). 24-hour holds are limited to 4 items due to limited space.

Community Borrowers are not allowed to place holds.


Circulating books and media may be recalled by Library staff. Loaned items are recalled when they need to be returned to the Library before the due date.

The original Borrower is guaranteed to have the material for three weeks and, upon recall notification, has five days to return the material. All Borrower types are bound by the recall policy, including Faculty and Staff. Recall fines are $1.00 per/day, up to a maximum of $10.00.

Community Borrowers are not allowed to place recalls.