Reporting Emergencies on Campus

Campus Health, Safety & Security

Reporting Emergencies on Campus

Emergency Phones

Emergency call stations are located in each building throughout the campus to report any fire, medical, or security emergency, or you may dial “0″ on any office phone to contact the switchboard.  Please report the type of emergency, the location, and your name so appropriate personnel may be notified.

Emergency Call Posts

Emergency call posts are located in some parking lots and on some sidewalk areas on each campus. Emergency call boxes are for the reporting of life-threatening situations, severe illnesses or injuries. These boxes are only operational during traditional campus hours Monday through Friday. College security and emergency response staff will communicate with the person(s) who activate the call box.

The call stations are intended for life/safety events only and should not be activated for non-threatening situations such as vehicle mechanical problems, a flat tire, or other similar non-threatening events. Two call stations were installed at CBTC and four were installed at south campus. These solar powered emergency call station towers are about ten feet tall, blue in color, and are equipped with a blue light for ease of locating after dark. When activated by a simple push button, each emergency call station sends an automated radio signal to the “front desk” at CBTC and south campus notifying personnel there that an emergency exists at a specific numbered call station. Upon activation of an emergency call station, a campus security officer will be dispatched immediately to the identified call station to provide assistance. The call stations also have a two way radio capability allowing a person at the call station to communicate via radio (transmit and receive) with the campus front desk. If the campus front desk is not occupied (as is the case after 8:00 p.m. on south campus) the campus evening coordinator will have the radio and will dispatch a security officer to the appropriate call station location. Each call station tower has a blue strobe light that will activate providing further notice to people in the parking lot that a potentially serious situation exists in the area of the call station.

Two emergency call stations very similar in operation to the six mentioned above were also installed at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College NCRC building when the building was constructed and two stations were installed outside Building 400 when that building was constructed. Funding adequate for installing additional emergency call stations on north campus has not been approved by the Rowan County Commission.

Reporting Emergencies on South Campus

Red emergency phones are located in each building throughout the campus to report any fire, medical, or security emergency, or you may dial extension 7600 on any office phone to contact the academic programs office. If unable to access an emergency or office phone, the academic programs office is located in room 201 of Building 1000. Please report the type of emergency, the location and your name so appropriate personnel may be notified. On most occasions, security personnel are located in the parking lot and are available for assistance.