Meet Equality and Stephanie, Rowan County residents and sisters with inspiring entrepreneurial journeys. Equality Biggers, the owner of Bigg on Natural Beauty, creates personal care items including body butters and hair growth oils. Stephanie Watkins is the owner of Define Shine Cleaning service and is currently developing a line of non-toxic and environmentally conscious cleaning products.
Both of their entrepreneurial journeys began the year before the pandemic. “I remember my sister showing me that she had started something with her business, and I had actually just started mine as well,” Equality recalled.
With more time on her hands during the pandemic, Equality started making body butters and hair growth oils, products that stemmed from her own desire for better, more natural beauty products.
“Using different lotions and hair products on the store shelves just didn’t work for my skin,” Equality explained. “I was so dry and itchy. I got into natural soaps and then I started making my own body butters and had immediate relief.”
Her sister, Stephanie, was laying the foundation for Define Shine Cleaning, which took off during the pandemic when the need for clean, disinfected spaces was at an all-time high.
Equality and Stephanie have always been there for each other. They are each other’s biggest motivators, sharing ideas and celebrating each other’s wins.
“We talk a lot,” Stephanie said. “We motivate each other. Share information and ideas. Encourage and congratulate. We guide one another.”
Equality chimed in, “We joined the Rowan Chamber together. I got my sister to join with me so we could be in their directory and use their amazing resources. We don’t gatekeep with each other. We want to see each other win.”
The sister connection was even more evident even when they unknowingly applied for and got accepted into the same program – the Retail Lab program at the Cabarrus Center. This program operates through a partnership between Flywheel Foundation and the Rowan-Cabarrus Small Business Center and educates on topics related to launching and growing successful retail businesses.
The Retail Lab program proved to be a turning point for both sisters. Equality, who always thought she would use her hard-working nature to work in a factory like members of her family, gained valuable business knowledge including terminology, demographics, and customer insights.
Stephanie, who was previously focused on the day-to-day operations of Define Shine Cleaning, learned how to set long-term goals and financial projections for her business.
The program also instilled confidence. Equality used to doubt her abilities due to not having a college degree. She has now realized that success comes from passion and perseverance.
“For me the Retail Lab helped me learn the basics of owning a business,” Equality said. “The process of creating my lean canvas helped me to know my customer demographics and ask what my customers are actually thinking about the products.”
“My favorite instructor was Peter,” Stephanie shared. “He did the first couple of sessions of the foundation for your business – the financial goals and projections. Prior to that, I was just taking it day by day and not thinking long term.” Stephanie continued, “It helped me to prepare my mind for growth for the business.”
With newfound knowledge and boosted confidence, both Equality and Stephanie are moving forward with their businesses. They each won a micro-grant from the Retail Lab pitch competition.
Bigg on Natural Beauty now has a brick-and-mortar store at 1953 Jake Alexander W Suite B, with plans to expand in the future. “We are going to do a pop-up shop in the front of our space until we can grow it and use the full store. We are using some of the grant funding we won during the Retail Lab pitch competition to get shelves set up in the shop.”
Stephanie is heavily focused on the research and development phase of creating her own line of all-natural cleaning products.
“I have a granddaughter,” Stephanie shared. “Every time I’m doing something she wants to be involved. The chemicals that we clean with have strong fumes and are not good for adults, and certainly not children. We need something in the market that’s nontoxic that can make cleaning fun for the whole family.”
Stephanie’s dream is to create and a happier, healthier solution for families who are prioritizing their wellbeing and caring for the environment. She believes in the powerful role of fragrance and essential oils to promote a sense of peace in the home.
This highlights the final sister connection in this beautiful story. While they have unique products, ultimately, Equality and Stephanie are both working to enhance the wellbeing of their customers.
Their stories are a testament to the power of sisterhood, lifelong learning, and the importance of pursuing your dreams.
To learn more about Stephanie’s company Define Shine Cleaning, visit her website at or search Define Shine Cleaning on Facebook.
To learn more about Equality’s company Bigg on Natural Beauty, visit her website at or visit her in person at the Webb Road Flea Market (building H) or soon at her new store at 1953 Jake Alexander Blvd. W, Suite B.
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