Call to order – 12:06 pm

Roll Call

President – Taylor Brigman – Present
Vice-President – Rachel Webster – Present
Secretary/Treasurer – Open
Membership Officers – Open
Public Information Officer (North) – Bailey Webster – Present
Public Information Officer (South) – Open
Parliamentarian – Open

Academic Senators:

Public Service – Open
Engineering and Business Technologies – Open
Science, Biotechnology, Mathematics, and Information Technologies – Open
Health and Education – Open
Liberal Arts and Education – Open

Club Senators:

A.C.E. Technologies – Justin Reid
Art & Design Club – Absent
CKEC Early College- Ceylon Hyde
Cab-Tech Early College – Jackson Simpson
Cosmetology – Katlynn Beach
Criminal Justice – Wayne Laney
Equality – Absent
Fashion Club – Absent
Living in Faith Together (LIFT) – Jennifer Tyson
MISTER – Jonah Austin
MSLA – Absent
Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) – Lesley Lefler
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) – Katherine Messick
Radiography – Kim Crochet
RCEC Early College – Karla Cruz
Skills USA – Joshua Fruchtman
Student Nurses Association (SNA)- Ashley Sutcliffe
Tri-Beta – Absent
W.O.W. – Absent

Approval of Minutes

October 6th, 2020 and November 1sts, 2020 SGA General Business Meeting Minutes


President’s Report
On November 13th, I attended the NC Global Advantage virtual event with one of our ambassadors, Justin Davis. I learned more information about Covid19, it is effect globally, and how North Carolina is responding. UNC-Chapel Hill is helping to lead Covid19 response and vaccine efforts, as well as plans for future pandemics.
I also learned that North Carolina is one of the most globally connected states in America and how the NC Coalition for Global Competitiveness strives to keep us connected and bring more jobs to our state.
It was also discussed that the current pandemic has made it very aware that Information Technology and other technologically centered fields are extremely important and that some focus really needs to be put on those programs and degrees.
I also attended the virtual National Conference on Student Leadership. I watched different kinds of workshops live and participated in networking sessions, where I interacted with students from across the country.
Our school hosted Oktoberfest on October 27 at the south campus, and October 28 at the north campus. The remaining food and candy from the event were donated to the Jeff Gordon Children’s Hospital in Concord.
We had a first Gen event on November 9th. This event was aimed toward people who are first-generation college students. We talked about the struggles of being first-generation college students and what lead everyone to RCCC.
As for an update on Branches of Hope, 50 children will be receiving sponsorships from various students, faculty, and staff. Thank you to anyone who has decided to make it a little easier for a family this year.

Misty Moler, Director, Student Support Services and TRIO SSS
Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded TRIO program designed to assist college students among underserved populations with academic skills, motivation, and support to successfully complete a postsecondary education degree. The goal of the Student Support Services program is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants. Eligible students include low-income, first-generation, and/or students with a documented disability. Trio SSS link:

Justin Davis Student Ambassador:
This event covered many topics such as: How to Build a Globally Competitive NC, Global Business in NC, Adaptive Leadership, and many others. The event also included extensive information through exhibitors and galleries. This webinar was very positive and inclusive overall, and I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. My favorite session was the one discussing Adaptive Leadership, covered by Paul Weisenfeld, Tsegga Medhin, and Dr. Mandy Cohen. The term ‘adaptive leadership’ was new to me before attending, but I learned that it is when you’re in a role of leadership and you must adapt to certain situations quickly. They also brought up the word transparency, which means you are clear to your team. You say, “I’m not exactly sure”, when you are truly unsure about something. I believe this is a trait that all leaders should possess.

I was able to see one of Taylor’s comments during a session, and she addressed how important technology has become over the past months due to the pandemic. I strongly agree with that, and I think colleges should continue providing access to students who may not own certain technology. To further push the topics that were talked about today, I think it would be beneficial to offer these events to the actual student body and not just student-life. If things were different where I wasn’t an ambassador, I probably wouldn’t have known about this forum, so reaching out to the student body with these events would be beneficial also.

Unfinished Business:


New Business:

SGA Fundraiser – Raise $500 Krispy Kreme Fundraiser (Motion Passes)


Check out Campus Wells for a chance to win $1,000 (College online magazine)
Favorite Things Holiday Celebration December 2nd & December 3rd, 12:00 pm via Zoom.
November SGA Meeting moved to Monday, November 2nd
Graduation Fair for 2020 Grads
December 8th, 9-11 AM and 3-5 PM South Campus
December 9th, 9-11 AM and 3-5 PM South Campus
SGA Office Positions Open (open until filled)
End of Semester Celebration
Thursday, December 10th, 5 – 6 PM, Zoom
One club representative per club
The end of the year celebration is on December 10th from 5 pm to 6 pm. One representative from each club may participate. We are having pizza sent to each participant. If you are joining, please fill out the form that Mr. Rivers sent out.
If any students are having financial challenges due to Covid19, there is a form that you can complete on the COVID page on the RCCC website.
Clubs still have time to sponsor a dove for Branches of Hope, if you are wanting to. Children are still in need of sponsors this holiday season.

ACE Tech Club Senator attended November SGA Business Mtg on Monday, 02 Nov 2020 December 2020 Submission for November 2020 Activities 2) ACE Tech Club Executive Cmt members met in-person on Thursday, 12 Nov for the meeting. 3) ACE Tech Club conducted student meetings the week of 11/14-11/20. 4) ACE Tech Club had no lottery events for November. No other activities took place. c. Community Service Project is currently in planning with Brendon Howell as Lead. The plan is to complete this project prior to the end of February 2021. Weather dependent. 6) Next ACE Tech Club student meetings will be held the week of December 12-16. 5) Next ACE Tech Club Executive Committee meeting is Thursday, December 10 at 5:15 pm 6) Next ACE Tech Club student meetings will be held the week of December 12-16. 7) ACE Tech Club Plan for 2020-2021 a. SkillsUSA Local, Regional, and NC State Contests planning for virtual and live in-person. b. Campus Community Project to be completed before the end of Fall Semester at CBTC. Community Service Project is currently in planning with Brendon Howell as Lead. The plan is to complete this project prior to the end of February 2021. Weather dependent. 8) Club Users in Blackboard has been updated with current student members and advisors.
We have decided to donate blankets for 50 children that are in the Cops Target Kids program. The children have been selected by the Kannapolis Police Department. We have decided to let students donate $20 of items/gifts for one child that will be randomly selected. Cos Club will be donating 50 blankets. As a Club, our budget is under $200. Our Treasure and Vice President will be getting the information out about donations via a flyer. We would like to have all donations in the first week of December!

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)
Phi Beta Lambda met on Thursday, December 10. The meeting was called to order at 7:15. Julia thanked members who had participated in the virtual Fall Leadership Development Conference and Campus Service Project. Discussed club fundraiser which will run through December 31. Presented meeting dates and tentative topics for the Spring 2021 semester. These are posted on Blackboard. Discussed Community Service Project. We need to complete it by late February. Plans will be finalized at the January meeting. Presented PBL’s spring lottery events. Students present chose events to participate in. Discussed 2021 State Leadership Conference. It will be virtual this year. Directed members to the FBLA-PBL website to begin to think about competitions they are interested in. Taylor Brigman was the winner of our T-shirt drawing. No motions made or passed during this meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50. The next meeting is on January 21at 7:30.
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
Radiography finished our campus project and our community project. We have also finished our lottery events and are working towards our lottery events for the spring semester.
Research student activities for the spring semester. Seek approval for Senior T-shirts. New Spirit Gear on hold until finances improve. Reviewed Old Business- Costume Contest, Senior Shirts, Virtual Fundraiser New Business- Spirit Gear/Spirit Week, College Events.
TriBeta inducted four new students this year. Names listed below. Our club focused mainly on recruiting during the COVID Pandemic. We elected a President: Anna Grimm, Vice President: Emani Cunningham. We plan to meet in the Spring (Date and time to be announced). We are limiting activities at this time due to COVID, but plan to get back to our community service project (Adopt-A-Stream Concord) as soon as possible. We also plan to work on our college service project (South Campus Garden Beds) as soon as possible as well.

Gas Card Winners:
#1 – Jackson Simpson
#2 – Katie Messick
Meeting Adjourned: 12:54 pm