Executive Board Duties
- Shall preside at all meetings of the Association or Senate.
- Shall be an ex-officio member of all appointed Association committees.
- Shall lend counsel and advice where needed.
- Shall represent the school on all occasions, functions and relations connected with other SGA area conferences.
- Shall issue, read, and discuss the copy of the Student Government Association Constitution to all new Senate members.
- Shall preside over general meetings.
- Shall attend all official Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Board of Trustee meetings as a non-voting member.
- Shall acquaint all new Senate members with proper parliamentary procedures.
- Shall be an ex-officio member of the Senate during the Summer Semester if he/she is enrolled.
- Shall in association with delegates develop a tentative yearly calendar of activities for his/her term of office. This calendar of activities must be approved by a quorum vote by S.G.A. representatives.
- Shall maintain 10 office hours per week including hours at both campus locations and will be eligible for the leadership scholarship in the amount of $1,920/ semester ($12.00/hour), excluding summer. Eligibility is determined by evaluation of SGA Advisors.
- Shall assume all the duties of the President in his/her absence.
- Shall assist SGA advisors in planning and implementing campus events.
- Shall be an ex-officio member of all appointed association committees.
- Shall assist the President in planning the agenda for each Student Government Association meeting. He/she shall issue a copy of the agenda to all delegates and officers. Shall maintain 7 office hours per week and will be eligible for the leadership scholarship in the amount of $1,344/semester ($12.00/hour) excluding summer. Eligibility is determined by evaluation of SGA Advisors.
Secretary / Treasurer
- Shall keep minutes of all Association and Senate meetings and place these in a permanent SGA file. Shall issue a copy of these minutes to all delegates and officers on request and coordinate the posting of these minutes on the SGA Website for all students to review.
- Shall be responsible for Association correspondence.
- Shall keep an accurate record of all Association correspondence and business.
- Shall prepare, prior to each meeting, an order of business for use by the presiding officer, showing in exact order, under each heading, all the matters known in advance that are due to come up.
- Shall keep an accurate record of all finances of the Association and place these records in a permanent file.
- Shall present a semester financial report and annual financial report.
- Shall maintain five office hours per week and will be eligible for the leadership scholarship in the amount of $960/semester ($12.00/hour) excluding summer. Eligibility is determined by evaluation of SGA Advisors.
Membership Officer
- Is responsible for contacting each curriculum head for a one and/or two year student to fill Senate membership.
- Is responsible for keeping accurate records of each Senate member’s phone and school schedule.
- Is responsible for contacting Senate members after an unexcused absence.
- Shall after two unexcused absences, be responsible for replacing the delegate with a new Senate member.
- Shall keep the Association’s official membership roll and to call the roll where it is required.
- Shall maintain 5 office hours per week and will be eligible for the leadership scholarship in the amount of $960/semester ($12.00/hour) excluding summer. Eligibility is determined by evaluation of SGA Advisors.
- Shall acquaint all new Senate members with proper parliamentary procedures at each meeting.
- Is responsible for maintaining Robert’s Rules of Order at all meetings.
- Is responsible for parliamentary procedures and knowledge of such.
- Is responsible for educating other members as to how each meeting shall be conducted.
- Shall maintain 5 office hours per week and will be eligible for the leadership scholarship in the amount of $960/semester ($12.00/hour) excluding summer. Eligibility is determined by evaluation of SGA Advisors.
Public Information Officer (Rowan)
- Shall be responsible for coordinating information with all parties within the faculty, Administration, and student body.
- Is responsible for creating publications through the Rowan-Cabarrus graphics department.
- Is responsible for publicizing functions at the school two weeks prior of upcoming events.
- Shall maintain 5 office hours per week and will be eligible for the leadership scholarship in the amount of $960/semester ($12.00/hour) excluding summer. Eligibility is determined by evaluation of SGA Advisors.
Public Information Officer (Cabarrus)
- Is responsible for publicizing functions at the school at least two weeks prior of upcoming events.
- Shall be responsible for coordinating efforts with the Rowan Public Relations Officer.
- Shall maintain 5 office hours per week and will be eligible for the leadership scholarship in the amount of $960/semester ($12.00/hour) excluding summer. Eligibility is determined by evaluation of SGA Advisors.