Call to Order – 12:02 PM
Roll Call
President – Jasmine Rosenberry, Present
Vice-President – Tokeshia Rice, Absent
Secretary/Treasurer – Open
Membership Officers – Open
Public Information Officer (North) – Gabrielle Brown, Present
Public Information Officer (South) – Joey Pabon, Present
Parliamentarian – Matt Gamble, Present
Academic Senators:
Public Service – Open
Engineering and Business Technologies – Open
Science, Biotechnology, Mathematics, and Information Technologies – Open
Health and Education – Open
Liberal Arts and Education – Open
Club Senators:
A.C.E. Technologies – Dustin Reid, Present
CKEC Early College- Amanda Neal, Present
Cab-Tech Early College – Noelle Harris, Present
Cosmetology – Absent
Criminal Justice – Wayne Laney (Club Advisor), Present
Equality – Kaitlyn Perrigan, Present
Living in Faith Together (LIFT) – Mary Goodin, Present
Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) – Sarah Humble, Present
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) – Lisa Webb, Present
Skills USA – Marc Fruchtman
Student Nurses Association (SNA)- Victoria Pettiford
W.O.W. – Alshonda
Approval of Minutes
Approval of January 11, 2022, Minutes – Approved
President’s Report
- Mental Health First Aid Training – Justin Knoll
- Akademos, Dr. Kimberly McCormick
Unfinished Business:
- Approval of December 7, 2021, Minutes – Approved
New Business:
- Student Wellness Center Support – Approved
- $250 for shelving units & four (4) volunteers to assist in cleaning and organizing food donations at the NCRC campus. Eight total volunteer hours/2 hours per student
- Check out Campus Wells for a chance to win $1,000 (College online magazine) Interested students can write for this publication, see an SGA officer for details
- Krispy Kreme club commitments are needed. See Jasmine to lock in the club’s commitment time in selling the $20 BOGO cards during the Valentine Events on each campus. Only 15 to sell!
- Music Bingo: Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022, 11:30 -12:30 PM, You could win a record player!
- Blood Drive, North Campus Blood Mobile: Wednesday, February 9, 8:30-1:30
- Valentine’s Event, Tuesday, February 15, North & South Campus Student Centers 11 – 1 PM
- Financial Cyber Security: Thursday, February 17th, 11:30-12 PM OR 2 – 2:30 PM
- Building Credit & Saving: February 16th and February 23rd
- Leadership in Financial Planning and Analysis with Krispy Kreme, Flexential, and Red Classic Services, Friday, February 18th
- Dr. MLK Jr. Breakfast & Service Project
- Tuesday, February 8, 7:30 – 9 AM , North Campus Student Center
- Wednesday, February 16, 7:30 – 9 AM, CBTC lobby
- Student Life 5K – February 26th, students, faculty & staff run for free at Veteran’s Park
- Student Life Leadership applications open!
- Clubs need to submit monthly cub reports at the SGA meeting
Club Reports
February 2022 Submission for January 2022 Activities; 1-Feb-22
ACE Tech Club Senator attended December SGA Business Meeting on Tuesday, 11 January 22. ACE Tech Club Executive Cmt members met virtually on Wednesday, 12 January 22 for the meeting. ACE Tech Club Student meetings were held in person the week of 24-29 January 22.
ACE Tech Club had arranged to help work the Welcome Back event at CBTC on 11 Jan but since classes were virtual, the in-person event did not take place. This was a lottery event. ACE Tech Club is working the MLK Breakfast and Learn lottery event. It was originally scheduled for Wed Jan 19 but has been rescheduled for Feb 16. We will work that event as it is scheduled. Students voted to spend $300 for Krispy Kreme gift cards in support of SGA Fundraiser. Students voted to spend up to $300 for lunch for SkillsUSA practice session with GTCC students at RCCC AHR Program facility on 2/22/22. Advisor(s) will get with Justin for the purchase. 5) Next ACE Tech Club Executive Committee meeting is Wednesday,02 Feb 2022 at 6:30 pm. Next ACE Tech Club student meetings will be held week of February 07-12, 2022, in-person
Cabarrus Early College of Technology SGA Meeting Minutes
Meeting Dates: 1/14/22, 1/28/22. Summary of previous meetings: Committees were set up and people were organized into their respective committees. Members completed a spring committee survey with their preference of committees and constructive criticism for clubs and committees. The Club picture was taken for the yearbook. Next Meeting Date: 2/4/22
Attendance; 2. Review Exec board meeting; 3. Discuss and make a motion to approve the constitution; 4. Break out into committees and complete committee work. Motion made to ratify changes made to the constitution; motion passed unanimously. We are working on February being kindness month and have made a kindness board in the ECHS hallway! There is a box with kindness cards where people can pull out a note that encourages them or says something kind
Radiography Club
The RAD club has applied for a tier 1 travel grant. We will have four members competing in the NCSRT quiz bowl. The MLK breakfast event has moved to February 8th. Four students are working the event. The community service articles due 01/31 have been submitted. The motion of using travel grants to travel to the NCSRT conference including vouchers for food was made. Nine members voted in favor
Skills USA
T-Shirts, Election of Officers, Food Pantry Cleanup, Student Prep for Next SkillsUSA Competition. Meeting Feb 2, Adjourned at 11:35 am. Next Meeting TBA
SNA Meeting
Monday, 1/24/22 ZOOM call. Welcome & What the club is Victoria Introduce herself- President Jessi Introduce herself- 213 Senator (Co-president), Jamie introduces herself- 213 Secretary Samare Introduce herself- VP 114 Benefits to being a member: Exam time goody bags, gift card giveaways, Resume builder, a network of other students to help get you through nursing school. Social events (if we ever get back to in-person events). Graduates who have been active members (completed 2 events each year) get a graduation cord. SNA is the organization that puts on the senior luncheon/senior banquet for the NUR 213 class. DUES- Please pay at Navigation Station at either North or South Campus. Cash only. $5.00 per year (so if in NUR 111, 112 -$10.00) Events: Screen share the sign-up document- Jessi explain as she shows (we earn money by participating in these events. It’s a great way to be sure the nursing programs are recognized and appreciated as a part of campus life). To be counted as an “active” member a student must have paid their dues & participated in at least 2 events. Put the doc in the chat- so students have it. If you’d like to sign up for an event, please email she will put you in the doc and email you a confirmation. What would you like to have? What would benefit you as students? Please email any ideas to or Fundraiser- Any specific ideas? We were thinking of T-shirts! 4 designs by each officer present them for voting on FB. Officers- We need officers for the following positions: NUR 111- VP and senator: Jade Houston & Destinee Beavers have expressed interest, NUR 112- VP and senator. NUR 114- Senator and a Secretary. If there are multiple students interested from each class, we will have a vote. The students will each write up a small summary of why they are interested in/ would be right for this position and then club members will vote. The vote will be via FB. February Meeting- February 21st 4:15, March Meeting- March 21st 4:15, April Meeting- April 25th 4:15, May Meeting- May 2nd 4:15
Wisdom Obtaining Wisdom
Set of feminine product drive dates; discussion of diaper/baby products drive; bathroom stall emergency numbers. Dates set for feminine product drive
Gas Card Winners:
#1 – Candace Edwards
#2 – Dustin Reid
Meeting Adjourned: 12:28 PM