Tutoring at CBTC

Tutoring Center

CBTC Tutoring (Rm. 9202)

The Tutoring Center will not be offering a set tutoring schedule at CBTC for Summer 2024. If you are interested in seeking tutoring, please schedule an appointment at our South Campus location. If you are unable to travel to South Campus, please email Daniel Allen (daniel.allen@gxitma.net) to determine if alternative arrangements can be made.

No appointments are necessary! All tutoring at CBTC is on a first-come, first-served basis.

During these hours, a tutor will be available to assist students in the following subjects/courses:

  • Accessing college programs like email, WebAdvisor, and Blackboard
  • Blackboard navigation, submitting assignments, posting in discussion boards, etc.
  • Microsoft Office
  • Computer science courses
  • Information technology courses

Here are a sampling of courses tutored at CBTC:

  • CIS-110 Introduction to Computers
  • CTI-110 Web, Pgm, & Db Foundation
  • CTI-120 Network & Sec Foundation
  • CSC-121 Python Programming
  • CSC-134 C+++ Programming
  • CSC-139 Visual BASIC Programming
  • CSC-151 Java Programming
  • CSC-153 C# Programming
  • CSC-251 Advanced Java Programming
  • CSC-253 Advanced C# Programming
  • DVA-110 Database Concepts
  • DBA-120 Database Programming I
  • WEB-110 Web Development Fundamentals

For Spring 2023, we also are offering writing tutoring for all subjects on Mondays from 9-1. You may email tutoring@gxitma.net to reserve a time or drop by the center in-person during those hours.

For subjects/courses not listed above, students are encouraged to use the tutoring room (9202) to participate in a virtual tutoring session. Tutors from other campuses can be available virtually to assist when available. A laptop and headphones will be provided to students participating in a virtual tutoring session along with assistance in getting started.

Tutor Schedule

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:00 Nick (Writing)/ Cat (Tech) Shirley (OST/Tech) Cat (Tech) James (Tech)  
10:00-11:00 Nick (Writing)/ Cat (Tech) Shirley (OST/Tech) Cat (Tech) James (Tech)  
11:00-12:00 Nick (Writing)/ Cat (Tech) Shirley (OST/Tech) Cat (Tech) James (Tech)  
12:00-1:00 Nick (Writing)/ Cat (Tech)/ James (Tech) Shirley (OST/Tech) Cat (Tech) James (Tech)  
1:00-2:00 James (Tech)

Cat (Tech)

*Rm. 9101


James (Tech)

 *Rm. 9101

2:00-3:00 James (Tech) Cat (Tech) James (Tech) James (Tech)  
3:00-4:00 James (Tech) Cat (Tech) James (Tech) James (Tech)  

James: CIS 110; CTS 115, 120, 240; DBA 110, 120; CTI 110, 120; All computer science (CSC); Basic Word Processing & Excel; E-text and Blackboard Support

Cat: CIS 110, 115; CSC 120, 121, 134, 139, 151, 153; CTI 110; CTS 115, 120; DBA 110, 120; WEB 110

Shirley: CIS 110, CTS 130, 230; OST 130, 134, 135, 136, 141, 142, 149, 181, 184, 236, 243

Nick: All Writing